A heath or heathland is a shrubland habitat found mainly on low quality,

Heath Definition And Meaning

The heaths have small, usually very narrow leaves arranged in whorls set closely together on the shoots. The long-lasting flowers have four sepals and a four-cleft bell-shaped or tubular corolla , which is inflated in many species. Most heaths are low shrubs, but some African species are large bushes or trees. Pollination of the flowers may be by wind, birds, or insects, depending on the species.

First Known Use Of Heath

Any of various low-growing shrubs of the genera Erica or Calluna, as heather, common on such land. An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor. A tract of open wasteland, esp. in the British Isles, covered with heather, low shrubs, etc.; moor. Designating a family of dicotyledonous woody shrubs and small trees, including the blueberry, mountain laurel, and rhododendrons. Heath is open land with low growing grasses and plants. If you travel to England, you can drive out in the countryside to see the heath that you've read about in novels.


Please find 2 English and definitions related to the word Heath. He has brownish hair with amazing brown eyes and he is one of kind. He is funny, smart, he is a fantastic boyfriend and would do anything for you. I fundamentally disagree with Heath Mello's personal beliefs about women's reproductive health. It is a promising step that Mello now shares the Democratic Party's position on women's fundamental rights. Every candidate who runs as a Democrat should do the same, because every woman should be able to make her own health choices.

The recolonising tree species will depend on what is available as the local seed source, and thus it may not reflect the natural vegetation before the heathland became established. Heaths are widespread worldwide but are fast disappearing and considered a rare habitat in Europe. Extensive heath communities can also be found in the California chaparral, New Caledonia, central Chile, and along the shores of the Mediterranean Sea.


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